Aff. No. : 330012 Sch. No. : 65011
Students can avail of the School transport subject to availability. The service is not mandatory but only an extra facility which can be withdrawn at any time, at short notice at the Management's sole discretion.
Routes of the school buses are drawn up carefully after giving due consideration to the convenience of the parents. However, the decision of the school authorities about routing,timing, pickup point etc. of the bus will be final. Parents should contact the School Transport In charge for necessary details. Students are not allowed to change their buses under any circumstances e.g. visiting friends or relatives etc. If any change has to be made, parents are requested to come personally and pickup the student after obtaining permission from the concerned authority. In case of a change of residential address or bus stop, kindly intimate the School.

A clear calendar month's notice is required before a student can discontinue the use of School transport. However, discontinuation of School transport facility in the fourth (4th) Quarter of the academic session will not be permitted. Students wishing to avail of the School transport facility from mid-session will have to pay bus charges and security for the entire session